Day 4 Saturday, 16. August 2014.
Being a part of a symphonic orchestra demands a lot of skills. Firstly the ability of working in team; to partly stay in silence, to enter into the stream the right moment to work hard for your own good but mostly as a respect to the rest of the others, and as a reward to receive an applause that belongs to all and not to the individual. Plato in his Timaeus referred to the connection of harmony in universe and music, Schiller and Goethe much later made the connection of musical composition and architectural structure.
In today’s flyer we have read that Goethe was a great admirer of Villa da Rotonda’s structure. Someone in our group will state this clearer in Venice.
Palladio had a palette of 8 architectural elements in order to construct harmony: the window, the column, the stair, the portico, the vault, the dome, the door and the loft. In the evening each team presented their interpretation of one of these elements.
After working on the floor plan, then experiencing the Villa Rotonda in real dimension – a unique three dimensional exquisiteness – and finally watching the 8 presentations of the evening session, the term “frozen music” defined as a romantic notion architecture, crossed the mind again.
Someone can easily imagine the analogies between noise, consonance and dissonance in our endeavors. And the fact that we are 8 teams but at the same time one group.